Wednesday, October 27, 2010


So, I've owned Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop since about last spring, maybe. CS4 version (yeah, didn't know that CS5 was on the way in a few months. Kind of miffed at that, cause there's no way I can afford to buy it again, since I was waiting a year just to buy Cs4. So I was up to date for a few months at least. sigh.)

Anyhoo, I've decided I should build up my digital skills, or I would build on them if I had any. :(

To get me started, I decided to buy a WACOM tablet. Since drawing with a stylus pen is easier than drawing with a mouse. So I took some of my birthday money (thanks grandpa Bowman) and bought a little one, a pretty basic, no bells and whistles kind. I got a Bamboo Pen, these two images are some of the things I've done so far with it. I've come to like doing the line in Illustrator then painting under it in Photoshop. But we'll see what works best, I have just begun my adventures in the world of Digital Painting . . . pray for me please. '~'

Have a PURR-FECT day!

sorry, i can't resist an oppurtunity for a "punny" pun.

alright, i'll stop for now . . .

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Illustration Stuff

The first assignment in my Illustration Professional Practices class (I tend to refer to it as Ill. Practices ^_^) dealt with occupations. We were each assigned a different occupation in a somewhat random way (our teacher called on us and we chose a number 1-21 and were given the occupation assigned to the number we called). By the grace of God I chose number 18 and was assigned Animal Trainer. Even better, our teacher said our assignment was open to however we interpreted it. YAY!

So my idea was a little girl training an octopus, who happens to be balancing on a large ball, juggling, and spinning plates. I'm going to show you different stages of my painting process.

I like to sneak up on color when using watercolor (any media really), so I lay down light washes of color to see whether they're going to get along or not.

Now a little more color and a slight suggestion of value . . . oh, and a slight composition change. I put a crowd of kids in the bottom right corner. You probably didn't notice that, right?

Oh no! Now were starting to create depth! AH!

And now the FINAL!
Sorry, was that too big of a jump for you? Forgive me, I didn't take more pictures of the process. I always mean to, but I get caught up in the project and want to keep going. When I'm like that there's no time to stop for pictures (which isn't a bad thing, no sir!).
Before the end of this, I added a lot more color and value. Which was accomplished with some help of colored pencils.
Farewell for now! Thanks for visiting and have a GREAT week! ^_^